
Frida Kahlo Lifestyle

Skin Care, Health & Beauty Advice
Clean Your Makeup Brush

How to Clean Your Makeup Brush

When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brush? If you can’t remember, or the answer is ‘never’, then it’s time to rectify the situation. One of the most essential beauty tips we can offer is ensuring you know how and when to clean your brushes and sponges. Your ability to blend your makeup, and your hygiene, depends on it.

How Often Should I Clean My Makeup Brush

Before we cover the how we should first cover the why. Cleaning your makeup brush should be a crucial part of your makeup routine. Rather than buying a new one or using your current one for far longer than recommended without a decent clean, you should be maintaining the one you have.

To avoid bacteria building up and causing breakouts, you should be making an effort to clean your makeup product tools at least once per week. Especially those tools you use for applying foundation. If you have a separate brush for eye makeup application, you can get away with only cleaning it once per month.

Not only will regular cleaning help remove all that built-up makeup and bacteria, but it can also reduce spotty application or make blending that much more effective.
